Monday, July 18, 2016

Sean and Bill will be at San Diego Comic-Con 2016!

We're going to Comic-Con!

Sean and Bill will be in San Diego this week for Comic-Con, so come by and say hello!

Sean will be giving a panel entitled "11 Secrets to Publishing Your E-Book" on Friday night, the 22nd, from 8:00 to 9:00pm in room 32AB!  

Bill will be selling his "Amazing Heroes" line of Action Figures at the I-Mockery/Fresh Monkey Fiction Booth E10 Row 600 on the convention floor!

Sean will also be teaching the Comic-Con Film School all four days from 10:00am to 11:00am in the Pacific Room of the Marriott, North Tower!

So come find us!  We'd love to talk to you! 

Monday, May 2, 2016


OMG, you guys!  At my day job, I work with a very talented guy named Doug Lefler.  Now, I had known Doug for months before I got on the subject of King Arthur, but when I finally did, he dropped the bombshell that he actually DIRECTED a King Arthur movie called THE LAST LEGION!  

Not only did I see The Last Legion in the theater, but I also have gushed on numerous occasions about just how much Arthurian nuance went into that film!  (Also, seriously, almost the entire cast has showed up in Game of Thrones since then.)

Anyway, the other day, Doug actually brought in the prop sword that they made for The Last Legion which becomes Excalibur!  And I got to hold it!

The prop is actually made out of metal, and is engraved with Roman characters which were an important plot point in the film.

If you haven't seen The Last Legion, I highly recommend it.  It takes place during a time period which is much closer to when a historical Arthur might have lived.  It also boasts some really fun performances, especially from Colin Firth.

Oh also has this sword...WHICH I'VE HELD!