Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sean and Bill are going to Comic-Con!

In just a few short days, the great nerd migration will descend on San Diego, and two of those nerds are named Sean and Bill. We'd love to meet you face to face, so please come on by and say hello. Now, it may be difficult to spot us among the other 120,000 people, but we can help with that. Both of us will be speaking on panels while we're there, locking us down to a time and a place where you can catch us!
Sean will be teaching the Comic-Con Film School all four days from 10am - 11am in Marriott Hall 2. Bill will be on the Captain Action Panel promoting his new Toy Line: "Amazing Heroes" on Thursday from 3:30 - 4:30pm in Room 24ABC.
So come by and introduce yourself, and we'll tell you about the next book!
Also, an update on The Pendragon Armada Book 2: It has been written, and we are currently commissioning artwork for the cover! Also, we have a tentative title, which is: "The Sins of the Father."
Be warned, we might think of something better by the time we publish, but until then, we'll let you ruminate on whose father, and what that sin might be.