Monday, September 1, 2014

Arthur & Guinevere - A Reclusive Love Story

One of the things about the Arthurian story that wasn't really covered in the source material is the early relationship between Arthur and Guinevere.  Obviously, there's loads of stuff describing the romance of Guinevere and Lancelot, but Arthur is a different story.  

Oddly, the Arthurian tale is one of those rare stories where the adultery of Guinevere tends to be forgiven by the reader, or at the very least, not judged too harshly.  She can't help the fact that her heart wants Lancelot, and she's consumed with guilt over any betrayal to her husband - the most beloved King in history, and Lancelot's best friend.  In most other stories, we'd side with Arthur on this breach of trust and secret infidelity, giving him our sympathy, and decrying Guinevere and Lancelot as the bad guys for carrying out their secret affair.  

And yet, when it comes to this story, we tend to side with all three of them.  They're each a victim of the heart, and each is a tragic character, governed by feelings beyond their control.

Because of this fascinating dynamic, it's important to develop these characters right, and that needs to start with Arthur and Guinevere in their younger days, before Lancelot shows up.

In truth, it's always been a sadness of mine that the romance between Art and Gwen has rarely been developed.  Usually, by the time we get into any given Arthurian tale, the two are already long married, and ready for Lancelot's chiseled jaw to walk in the front door.
In the case of our adaptation, we wanted to show what comes before all that.  We wanted Arthur and Guinevere to meet.  We want to show them fall in love, and everything that comes with that.  We didn't want to cheat these two young kids out of their long-overdue romance, so in The Pendragon Armada, we're going to give them the chance to fall for one another.  No political marriage, no claiming of a bride after the strong warrior has saved her from certain doom, and no two-dimensional Princess who just throws herself at the hottest guy at the round table.

I'm fully prepared to be hurt right along with these three when Lancelot shows up in the story, but we want Arthur and Guinevere to have their time together before that happens.

And all that comes with that.

Oh we go.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sean and Bill are going to Comic-Con!

In just a few short days, the great nerd migration will descend on San Diego, and two of those nerds are named Sean and Bill. We'd love to meet you face to face, so please come on by and say hello. Now, it may be difficult to spot us among the other 120,000 people, but we can help with that. Both of us will be speaking on panels while we're there, locking us down to a time and a place where you can catch us!
Sean will be teaching the Comic-Con Film School all four days from 10am - 11am in Marriott Hall 2. Bill will be on the Captain Action Panel promoting his new Toy Line: "Amazing Heroes" on Thursday from 3:30 - 4:30pm in Room 24ABC.
So come by and introduce yourself, and we'll tell you about the next book!
Also, an update on The Pendragon Armada Book 2: It has been written, and we are currently commissioning artwork for the cover! Also, we have a tentative title, which is: "The Sins of the Father."
Be warned, we might think of something better by the time we publish, but until then, we'll let you ruminate on whose father, and what that sin might be. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Book 1 is up on Goodreads!

Isn't Goodreads a fabulous site?  I can spend so much time there, it's ridiculous.  I especially love reading my friends' reviews on what they're reading - hands down the coolest feature of that website.

But now, Book 1 of the Pendragon Armada is up there!

I don't know why I was expecting that to be a long endeavor to undertake.  I guess I'm just still waiting for men with official credentials to show up and say, "Nope, haven't filed with the home office for an Author's License.  You can't actually say that you've written a book until you've been vetted and registered with the state."

But...they still haven't shown up.  So I guess, until then, we'll keep acting like this whole book thing is for real.  :)

Thanks for all the great reviews on Amazon!  (You know who you are!)  You've had a lot of kind things to say, and it's so fabulous to hear that people are digging the concept.  We'll keep the books coming.  In fact, Book 2 is in the revision stage now, and we can't wait for you to see what happens!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Sword of the King has arrived!

Hello!  This is it!  April 22nd!  The very first book of the PENDRAGON ARMADA has been uploaded to Amazon and is ready for purchase!

Bill and I are deleriously excited to finally release this story into the world.  We've been working on it for over ten years now.  TEN YEARS!

All that time, we'd been honing and refining the story with the intent on making a trilogy of screenplays.  But the problem we'd been having - trying to condense this massive story into three 90 page scripts - had just about broken me when we finally reached a moment of clarity: if we wrote it as a series of books, we could tell the story we wanted to tell at the length we wanted to tell it!

And now, the first episode is ready for download!

I'll be posting more entries here as the process continues, but in the mean-time, please, by all means, download a copy, give it a read, and let us know what you think!

And thanks again for stopping by!

-Sean Rourke

Sunday, March 16, 2014